United to protect the rights of every Georgia citizen

The Georgia Rights Alliance is an online community uniting Georgia citizens committed to protecting the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all Americans; to defending against the corporate lobbyists, insurance companies, and big corporations that seek to manipulate the system; and to protecting the right of every Georgia citizen to seek justice in a civil court of law against an individual or corporation that wronged them.

Founded in 2020, we are a group of Georgia citizen-activists advocating that our state legislature and other elected officials do right in representing the people of our state.

Big companies spend a fortune on countless corporate lobbyists to influence our state government and rig the system in their favor. We use our voices to advocate. By providing a platform for Georgia families to speak out and demand that our elected officials protect our rights, we keep watch on the dangerous influence of corporate lobbyists on our system of government.


 Paid for by Justice Watch